Check reviews

Actively monitor and manage customer feedback.

Monitoring reviews is an essential part of online reputation management. ID Reviews gives you the power to monitor, interact and manage all reviews seamlessly. You can read, respond to or even delete irrelevant or inappropriate reviews, ensuring that your online image remains in line with your corporate vision.

Monitor your reviews

Monitor in real time the evolution of reviews on the platforms where they are published. ID Reviews helps you respond professionally and constructively, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.
E-mail notifications are sent continuously to make monitoring easier.

Responding to customer feedback

Online reviews offer a unique opportunity to interact directly with customers. Responding to comments quickly and easily shows that you take your customers’ opinions seriously.

Negative reviews can be handled dynamically to resolve problems and improve customer satisfaction. They can be deleted to preserve your company’s reputation, or inappropriate reviews can be hidden.

Thanks to ID Reviews, you can respond to your customers’ comments and opinions using Artificial Intelligence. It’s a new tool for maintaining a positive and professional online reputation, offering customers a quality experience.

Artificial intelligence is a new technology that has been added to our review platform, making your customer review management experience much easier.